With two pounds of fresh, organic produce in every bottle, our raw, cold-pressed juice is a nutritional powerhouse.

To thrive, our bodies need to be nourished daily with a large supply (9-13 servings) of the vitamins, minerals, and live enzymes that can only be found in fresh fruits and vegetables. We need so many because the typical American diet contains an abundance of foods that create high levels of acidity in the body once they are digested (e.g., meat, dairy products, sugars, grains, coffee, soda, alcohol). A highly acidic environment can be toxic to our organs and tissues and lead to weight gain and disease. Alkaline foods like vegetables (and some fruits and nuts) detoxify acidic residue, nourishing and strengthening the body and maximizing energy.
Amongst many other benefits, a clean diet rich in nutritional fruits and vegetables has been found to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, and many forms of cancer. In other words, if there's any guideline out there that we should be striving to meet or exceed, this is the one. But it's very time-consuming preparing and eating all those servings of fresh fruits and vegetables. And that's to say nothing of how most of our jaws would feel after that kind of daily chewing workout.

Fresh, raw, organic cold-pressed juice.
The only kind we make at The Juice Laundry.
Our bodies most readily absorb the critical vitamins, minerals, and live enzymes found in raw fruits and vegetables when we "drink them," as opposed to eating them whole. Our fresh juices are also loaded with antioxidants that bind to toxins and remove them from your body so they can't do any further damage to your cells. And our digestive systems don't have to expend any energy to break down juice, as they do with fibrous fruits and vegetables.
Juice consumption allows your overworked digestive system to take a break while your body devotes more energy to detoxifying, healing, and strengthening your immune system.
With two pounds of fruits and veggies per bottle, drinking even just one of our juices puts you well on your way to meeting the daily recommended servings of fruit and vegetable. Oh, and our juices are freaking delicious too.


We always cold-press our juice using Goodnature hydraulic press juicers. This is a time- and labor-intensive process that extracts the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from every piece of fresh produce that we juice.
After grinding the fresh produce into a pulp, we place the ground pulp into microfiber bags and apply thousands of pounds of pressure to completely extract the good stuff so that it can be easily digested by your body.
With no work for your digestive system to do, your cells are being fed, nourished, and cleaned within minutes of consuming one of our juices.


The cold-press method we employ minimizes the amount of air that mixes with the juice during pressing, causing oxidization (decomposition) to occur much slower than with other methods of juice extraction.
With no preservatives or other additives whatsoever, our bottled juice will maintain its freshness and nutritional powerhouse status for at least 72 hours (just remember to keep juices refrigerated at all times).
Other commercial and household juicers (typically centrifugal) are faster and easier to operate, but they cannot compete with the cold-press method in terms of either nutritional value or taste. That's why we go to all the trouble.


We don't treat our juice in any way. Ever. Period. Some juice you see at Whole Foods or other stores looks like it might be the good stuff. It might be raw and cold-pressed. It might even be organic. So what's wrong? If it's sitting on a shelf somewhere it wasn't made, then it's been high pressure pasteurized (aka HPP).
HPP is a method of preservation and sterilization in which a product is processed under extremely high pressure, leading to the inactivation of certain microorganisms and enzymes. In other words, it's a "live juice" killer, and we'll never subject our beautiful, potent juice to such a harsh and detrimental process.